HP Printers are on Insta


Running HP’s always-on social business was an experimenter’s dream. Shooting nearly everything in-house meant we got to play with some of social’s newest functionality, nerd out in our makeshift “innovation lab,” and learn from everything we produced—so we could do it better the next day.

From socially-driven responses to current events to getting creative with opportunities and technology, these are a few posts I concepted, art directed, styled, and photoshopped for HP’s social presence.

Our LaserJet Pro saves energy by turning on when it's needed & off when it's not, using Auto-On/Auto-off technology.
Strong. Efficient. Bold. Who knew the rooster and our printers had a lot in common? Happy Chinese New Year!



Associate Creative Director/Art Director: Ross Fischer

Associate Creative Director/Copywriter: Laurel Stark

Senior Art Director: Kat Michie

Senior Copywriter: Erik Gonzalez

Photography: Rachael Stamps

Photography: Monica Lo

Photography: Robert D. Karns

Editing/Motion: Dolly Totes

Editing/Motion: Grant Loving

Work produced at Design Kitchen.


Zinus Beds: Brand Launch

